姓名:赵慧 | 性别:女 | |
籍贯:河南省郑州市 | 民族:汉 | |
所在系:数理与金融统计系 | 教研室:数理统计 | |
是否博导:是 | 是否硕导:是 | |
职称:教授 | 现任职务: | |
电子邮箱:hzhao@zuel.edu.cn 个人凯发真人k8主页:https://hzhaozuel.github.io |
09/2018-至 今 中南财经政法大学统计与数学学院,教授
01/2011-02/2012 美国密苏里大学统计学系,博士后
04/2010-07/2010 中国科学院应用数学所,访问学者
07/2005-06/2007 中国科学院系统科学研究所,博士后
参加国家自然科学基金项目:统计模拟抽样算法及相关问题研究(2016,01- 2019,12)
参加国家自然科学基金项目:基因连锁分析中的若干统计问题(2006,01- 2008,12)
郑忠国,童行伟,赵慧.《高等统计学》, 2012年2月,北京大学出版社出版。
在journal of the american statistical association,biometrics, scandinavian journal of statistics, journal of multivariate analysis, statistical methods in medical research,statistics in medicine,《中国科学》,《数理统计与管理》等国内外统计学期刊发表的科研论文主要包括:
赵慧,董庆凯(2022).当前状态数据的可加风险模型变量选择方法,系统科学与数学. 42(5): 1314-1329. doi: 10.12341/jssms21468
binxia liu, hui zhao, chunjie wang. (2022). bayesian empirical likelihood of linear regression model with current status data, communications in statistics - theory and methods, published online: 24 mar 2022.
lin luo, hui zhao*. (2022). a new approach to regression analysis of linear transformation model with interval-censored data, communications in statistics - theory and methods.2021年12月16日online,doi:10.1080/03610926.2021.2012195.
mingyue du, hui zhao*, jianguo sun. (2021). a unified approach to variable selection for cox’s proportional hazards model with interval-censored failure time data, statistical methods in medical research,2021, 30(8), 1833-1849. .
lin luo,hui zhao*. (2021). robust regression analysis for clustered interval-censored failure time data, journal of systems science and complexity.34,1156–1174.
hui zhao, qiwei wu, gang li, jianguo sun. (2020). simultaneous estimation and variable selection for interval-censored data with broken adaptive ridge regression.journal of the american statistical association. 115(529), 204-216.
qiwei wu,hui zhao*, liang zhu, jianguo sun. (2020). variable selection for high-dimensional partly linear additive cox model with application to alzheimer's disease,statistics in medicine.39(23), 3120-3134.
hui zhao, qiwei wu, peter b. gilbert, ying q.chen, jianguo sun, (2020). a regularized estimation approach for case-cohort periodic follow-up studies with an application to hiv vaccine trials,biometrical journal, 62,1176–1191.
qin jiang,hui zhao, hong qin. (2019). on a general class of semiparametric hazards regression models for recurrent gap times,acta mathematicae applicatae sinica, english series, 35 (3):549-563.
赵慧,崔琪,孙建国. (2019).可加风险模型下相依i型区间删失数据的一个copula推断方法,中国科学:数学, 49 (9) , 1261-1272.
hui zhao, dayu sun, gang li, jianguo sun.(2019).simultaneous estimation and variable selection for incomplete event history studies.journal of multivariate analysis,171, 350-361.
guanglei yu, yang li, liang zhu,hui zhao*, jianguo sun. (2019). an additive-multiplicative means model for panel count data with dependent observation and drop-out processes.scandinavian journal of statistics, 46(2), 414-431.
hui zhao, dayu sun, gang li, jianguo sun. (2018). variable selection for the recurrent event data with broken adaptive ridge regression.the canadian journal of statistics. 46 (3): 416-428.
hui zhao, chenchen ma, junlong li, jianguo sun. (2018). regression analysis of clustered interval-censored failure time datawithlineartransformationmodels in thepresence ofinformativeclustersize.journal of nonparametric statistics. 30 (3): 703-715.
qi cui,hui zhao, jianguo sun. (2018). semiparametric regression analysis of dependent current status data based on copula.statistics and its interface. 11(3):463-471.
peijie wang,hui zhao*, jianguo sun. (2018). inference on semiparametric transformation model with general interval-censored failure time data.journal of nonparametric statistics. 30 (3): 758-773.
da xu,hui zhao, jianguo sun. (2018). joint analysis of interval-censored failure time data and panel count data,lifetime data analysis. 24(1):94-109.
peijie wang,hui zhao, jianguo sun. (2016). regression analysis of case k interval-censored failure time data in the presence of informative censoring.biometrics,72,1103-1112.
liang zhu,hui zhao*, jianguo sun, wendy leisenring, leslie l. robison. (2015). regression analysis of mixed recurrent-event and panel-count data with additive rate models.biometrics, 71,71-79.
jianguo sun, yanqin feng,hui zhao. (2015). simple estimation procedures for regression analysis of interval-censored failure time data under the proportional hazards model.lifetime data analysis,21(1),138-55.
yang li, hui zhao*, jianguo sun,(2014). nonparametric tests for panel count data with unequal observation processes. computational statistics and data analysis, 73, 103-111.
hui zhao, kate virkler, jianguo sun,(2014). nonparametric comparison for multivariate panel count data. communications in statistics - theory and methods. vol. 43(3), 644-655.
liang zhu, hui zhao, jianguo sun, stanley pounds. (2014). a conditional approach for regression analysis of longitudinal data with informative observation time and non-negligible observation duration, communications in statistics - theory and methods. 43, 4998-5011.
haixiang zhang, hui zhao*, jianguo sun, dehui wang,(2013)..regression analysis of multivariate panel count data with informative observation process. . 119, 71-80.
hui zhao, yang li, jianguo sun, (2013). analyzing panel count data with dependent observation process and a terminal event., 41, 174-191.
liang zhu, hui zhao*, jianguo sun, pounds stanley, (2013). joint analysis of longitudinal data and recurrent episodes data with application to medical cost analysis, , 55,5-16.
hui zhao, yang li, jianguo sun, (2013). semiparametric analysis of multivariate panel count data with dependent observation process and terminal event. journal of nonparametric statistics,25, 379-394.
hui zhao,jie zhou, liuquan sun, (2013).a marginal additive rates model for recurrent event data with a terminal event. communications in statistics - theory and methods,42,2567-2583.
ni li, hui zhao, jianguo sun, (2013). semiparametric transformation models for panel count data with correlated observation and follow-up times, , 32, 3039–3054.
liang zhu, xingwei tong, hui zhao, jianguo sun, deo kumar srivastava, wendy leisenring, leslie l. robison, (2013). statistical analysis of mixed recurrent event data with application to cancer survivor study, , 32(11),1954-1963.
hui zhao, ningning jiang, (2012). a two-stage estimation algorithm for a type of current status data. journal of systems science and complexity, 25, 556-566.
hui zhao, dan yu, (2009). a random effects generalized linear model for reliability compositive evaluation. science in china (a), 52, 2218-2227.
hui zhao, zhongguo zheng, baijun liu, (2005). on the markov equivalence of maximal ancestral graphs. science in china (a),48(4),548-562.
baijun liu, zhongguo zheng, hui zhao, (2005). an efficient algorithm for finding the largest chain graph given chain graph. science in china (a), 48(11), 517-1530.
xingwei tong, hengjian cui, hui zhao, (2005). asymptotics of huber-dutter estimators for partial linear model with nonstochastic designs. acta mathematicae applicatae sinica, 21,257-268.
hui zhao, zhongguo zheng, jing xu, (2006). causal inference in the models with hidden variables and selection bias. acta scientiarum naturalium universitatis pekinensis(北京大学学报,自科版), 42, 584-589.(ei)
赵慧, 郑忠国.(2008). gauss因果模型中因果效应识别方法的比较, 数学物理学报, 28,808-817.
赵慧, 郑忠国.(2007). 图模型及其在统计建模中的应用,数理统计与管理, 26(3): 741-746.
赵慧, 郑忠国.(2007).中药降脂灵片药效的因果分析,数理统计与管理, 26(4), 427-431.
赵慧, 肖明.(2005). bagging 算法在混合适应性样条中的应用,应用概率统计, 21,278-284.